The last couple days he has been making this funny face, like he is trying to eat his own chin, we tried to capture it with the camera, but the above picture was the best we got before the camera battery died.
I think he'll be sitting unsupported soon he's doing it mostly now but then occasionally he'll just flop over. I like to squeeze his legs and admire his big muscles. Dustin tries to inform us that those aren't really muscles, but we know better. (:
We concur, definitely BIG muscular legs that boy has. We love the picture with the funny face. Could you send it to our email address, I can't save it from here.
Thanks for updating. Grandma
Didn't anyone tell you that Sunday afternoon naps were a thing of the past:) I still can't get one - one of my kids is sure to call as soon as I get snuggled in. Love the blog idea, it helps me feel in touch. All the girls at the branch say hello! Love ya, Vickie
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